• Serving Antrim, Charlevoix, Emmet, Grand Traverse and Kalkaska Counties
May 18, 2016 cecilia

The Consumers Energy Foundation has contributed $3,500 to help Big Brothers Big Sisters support children in need with a caring adult volunteer mentor.

The funds will be used as part of the agency’s Corporate Adopt-A-Match Program to provide mentors to children currently on the waiting list.

“We are committed to helping build a strong future for Michigan’s communities, and supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters is an excellent example of how we can do that,” said Doug DeYoung, Consumers Energy area manager. “We are pleased that our contribution will help connect caring adult role models with children in our community.”

“It’s partnerships like these that help keep our program growing strong”, said Executive Director, Cecilia Chesney.  “We rely on the local community to support our program, and are so grateful to Consumers for their support”, she said.