It was a November Friday with thunder and falling snow
Sitting in my easy chair, I began to wonder if it would interrupt my TV show
The sky rumbled and on the winter blanket, the lightning seemed even more bright
My toilets flushed, clothes washed and on the tube, not a blink that night
Talked with operations, no worries, some outages scattered here and there
Phones covered, crews were working with the usual Cherryland flair
Off to bed I went, repairs in progress, the routine was getting done
Rested and fresh, I was up to shovel the drive with the rising sun
First to the barn I went to toss the horses some fresh hay
Outside I heard it for the first time, a great sound to start the day
I heard it to the south and amazed as it was also to the north of me
It was not Beethoven or Garth Brooks but simply beautiful as could be
With my new aluminum snow scoop sliding across the drive
The sound drifted to my ears reminding me of the greatness of being alive
It may have been an hour, time flies doing the driveway to such a song
The melody in stereo was steady, playing across the landscape so strong
All too soon my work was done, with regret I left the concert and went into the house
Inside with a smile on my face and spring in my step, I quickly found my spouse
“Do you know what is happening right outside our door?” I asked in an excited voice
I explained the concert from both sides for which we had a reason to rejoice
The morning inside was busy but I found time to stop once or twice to eat
Each time I would stick my head out the door to briefly catch the music that was so sweet
Lunch, the third meal of the morning was done, back outside to get the paper and enjoy the air
The tune was still playing until I turned for home and it simply stopped right there
No more melody, music, or notes resounding across the land in such great crescendo
Saddened I looked to the north and then to the south wondering where it did go
Resolved to its absence, I remain confident that one day the sound will return
Its memory will be enough to help the fire in this co-op heart continue to burn
By now, you are probably wondering what is this man talking about?
Well, now is the time I will reveal the music that makes me jump and shout
I am a Cherryland Co-op member while those homes around me are served by an IOU
In the stormy night, my neighbors lost their power and were left with one thing to do
Neighbor to the north and to the south, poured the gas and pulled the cord to self generate
Being IOU customers and not Cherryland members this is often their fate
A generator buzzing, choking and snorting is an annoyance to some
To a Cherryland worker like me, it was sweet music whose time had come
At our co-op, we rarely hear a member exclaim, “How long must I generate today?”
Most often, we simply reply, “Don’t bother, the red truck is on its way!”
So, the next time I am dreamy eyed and humming a happy tune with a smile
You will know the generators north and south have been singing a really long while
Tony Anderson, General Manager
Cherryland Electric Cooperative
Grawn, MI