June 4, 2020
Guidelines for In-Person Match Meetings (COVID-19)
Bigs, Parents and Guardians,
We are looking forward to the opportunity for our Bigs and Littles to begin meeting in person as the Stay-at-Home order has been officially lifted by the Governor as of Monday, June 8, 2020.
As you know, the health and safety of our Littles, Bigs and families is of the utmost importance to us, and each Big, Little, and Parent/Guardian must decide when the time is right for them to resume in-person connections.
Although we are sanctioning the in-person connections of our Bigs and Littles, it is NOT required at this time. For those matches who would like to begin in-person activities, we ask that you follow the following guidelines:
Decision to Meet –The visit must be approved by the Parent/Guardian ahead of time. Bigs should be clear when communicating planned activities and parents should communicate any restrictions they require.
Protective Measures – If you do start in-person outings, please use reasonable safety precautions.
- If traveling together by car we recommend you each wear a mask. Masks are available at the Bigs’ office upon request.
- Consider uncrowded outdoor activities, if possible.
- Avoid any close physical contact
- Wash hands and bring along hand sanitizer
- Avoid large groups
We believe it’s important to take protective measures and consider risks for everyone in both the Big’s and the Little’s households. We do not recommend in-person visits, if anyone living in either home:
- is considered to be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19;
- works in healthcare and has an increased likelihood of exposure to COVID-19; and/or
- has a fever, is sick with a cough or cold, or does not feel well for any reason.
As always, your Mentoring Specialist is available should you have any questions or concerns. We encourage you to make the best decisions for you and your family, stay informed, and continue to follow the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations for preventing the spread of illness.