High School Big Brother and his Little have been matched for 5 months in the school-based program. The Little Brother is in 4th grade and is going through some rough times because his parent has stage 4 cancer. The Big Brother has been an outstanding Big this year, not only because he is one of three Big Brothers out of 38 at this school, but because he has been a consistent champion for the Little. The Big Brother has never missed a week even with snow days, exams, ACT testing and trimester schedule changes. When the Big and Little go outdoors for recess, the Big faces the challenge of organizing the Little and his group of 4th graders in a game of football (which we are told is usually a point of contention between the kids of who is going to be quarterback and who is on what team). Most recently school staff observed a seamless game of football being played by the Big, Little and group of friends. Thanks to the Big, he got everyone to play without argument, have a good time, and made the Little feel like the all-star for being his Little Brother. The staff at the school wants to know when they can hire the Big Brother to be there every day. When we ask the Little what he has learned about his Big Brother, he tells me “My Big is nice and likes to laugh.” Wonderful Big Brother…wonderful match! If only we had more men to step forward and be a Big Brother to the many more boys waiting for a match.